Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog enrty #2

The things i like about school is are how we get to carry our bags with out anybody telling us to put it away.We also get to eat our side during lunch and we dont have to be in the cafeteria if we dont want to.We have a lot pf privledges in this school.Somethings I dont like about school is that we have to be here early but the good thing that comes out of it is that we get to leave a little bit earlier.I also dont like doing homwork and staying after class with teachers to discuss are problems even though it might help sometimes i still dont like that.Another thing I dont like is that we have to pay fees I dont understand why we have to pay fees for a class the school should be incharge of that. If I where to have my own school I will only look for teachers that arent so strict.I would like to have teachers that can work with kids and that have patients,not like some other teachers that cant even control their own class and all they do is call security. I think the rules would be similar to blair rules. well thats what i think about school!

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