Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Intro to TKMB

Girls should act like girls:
I disagree with this statement because I feel like if a girl wants to play sports or likes to play videogames then why not. Nobody can tell a girl to act like one if she doesnt want to. All because she is a girl doesnt mean that she has to act like on she can play guy sports and still be a girl at the same time a girl is always going to be a girl no matter what.

When the law should not succeed in punishing criminals, citizens should do so.:
I also disagree with this statement becuase if they take a situation into their own hands then they are not going to be able to handle it the appropriate way. An example of why citizens should not try to do the job of the law is that back them in the early day peole would run after criminals or sometimes just random people and lynch them infront of the whole neighborhood. I dont think a citizen should take over the law, The should be able to do its own job.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog #5

My ending of Mice And Men would be like this:
Lennie and george where at the lake by them sleves just thinking what can they do now,where can they go. George is furious and has no idea what to do with lennie he thinks to him slef "got damit lennie why did he have to do this,I just want to get rid of him but he has nobody else".George leaves lennie by him self and goes for a walk just to get his mind of of this big situation. Lennie just sits there and cry he say " i didnt mean to kill her i was just feeling her hair becuase she told me to". Lennie runs into the woods and cries as if his life is over so then george comes back and doesnt find any where so he looks for him in the woods and still cant find him so its already nighttime and geroge gets worried and cries. Lennie notices that he's lost so he sits on a rock and thinks about what he did. He sits there for days and doesnt know what to do so he starves and looks for food, he dissapeares in the wood and was never found again