Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Intro to TKMB

Girls should act like girls:
I disagree with this statement because I feel like if a girl wants to play sports or likes to play videogames then why not. Nobody can tell a girl to act like one if she doesnt want to. All because she is a girl doesnt mean that she has to act like on she can play guy sports and still be a girl at the same time a girl is always going to be a girl no matter what.

When the law should not succeed in punishing criminals, citizens should do so.:
I also disagree with this statement becuase if they take a situation into their own hands then they are not going to be able to handle it the appropriate way. An example of why citizens should not try to do the job of the law is that back them in the early day peole would run after criminals or sometimes just random people and lynch them infront of the whole neighborhood. I dont think a citizen should take over the law, The should be able to do its own job.


  1. cathrine I agree with you on the girls should like girls topic. People should be able to be whatever they want to be like.

  2. I Agree with what you said about a girl can play sports/games like a boy and still be girly.I also agree with your opinion of a citizen should not take the law into there own hands because they would just do what they think is good and not what everyone else thinks.

  3. I Agree girls should not only be girly they can be both play different sports and hang with boys and girls.And i also agree thatyou can have our own opinin of citizen beacsue if they do it its now going to be fair to the they would not care.

  4. I agree with you because girls should act however they want. and it shouldnt matter how they act or dress. All that really matters is their personallity but since everyone has a different point of view. :)
